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None of us grow up in perfect circumstances. We all experience hurt and disappointment. Some of us experience neglect, abuse, profound loss, or abandonment. We respond to pain by taking on distorted beliefs about ourselves and about relationships. And we develop coping strategies to protect ourselves from future pain.


These strategies, taken into our adult lives, can actually become a source of pain. They keep us from connecting deeply to ourselves and to others. Jungian Analyst Donald Kalsched has said, “ unconscious “vow” (is sometimes) made deep within the psyche of the trauma survivor, never to allow the lost heart of the self into relationship again.”


Bringing these painful experiences, these distorted beliefs, and these old coping strategies into the light makes change possible. It can open a door to healing and to a new, more fulfilling way of living.


"There will always be a door to the light."

-Shiro Amano



When not addressed, pain will express itself. We have three choices: We can medicate it with compulsive and addictive behaviors like drinking, using drugs, over- or under-eating, compulsive spending, or sexual pre-occupation. Or we can turn our emotional pain into physical symptoms such as stomach problems, headaches, back problems, chronic pain, or even serious illness. Our third option is to find a safe place to face our pain and heal it. On this journey of healing, we need someone who can listen deeply and who can teach us how to listen to ourselves. We need a compassionate and experienced guide who has already undertaken this journey.

Coming Events


The Worm in the Apple: Healing Shame

A Six-Month Psychotherapy Group

Offered by Linda Odom, Ph.D.

Mondays from 7:00 - 9:00 pm

April 1, 2019 - October 7, 2019


                 LEARN MORE HERE



Experiential Couples Intensives

Offered by Linda Odom, Ph.D.

I offer intensives for couples who want to move past stuck places – past old, repetitive patterns into a place of renewal.

 This is for committed couples who want to deepen their relationship and open it to new possibilities. It is also for couples who want clarity about whether or not to continue their relationship.





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"We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time."

-T.S. Eliot

​© 2016 by Linda Odom, Ph.D. - Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist - Individual, Couples and Group Therapy

3515 Stokesmont Road | Nashville, TN 37215

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